Sunday, June 6, 2010

How To Make Your Own Pretty ICING Accessories Display Frame

There were some customers who asked about our ICING Accessories display frames of late. They too wanted to hang up their accessories the same way at home.

So, we'll share how to go about doing one up for yourself back home.

Materials needed:
  • Picture frames, we got ours from IKEA but you can get them from elsewhere and just discard the glass covering if there's any.
  • Pretty cloth or fabric
  • Thick cock board (~1cm)
  • Sponge
  • Cloth tapes with thick width
  • Art glue
  • Pins with thick heads so that the accessories can be hung onto them; Cute or pretty ones preferably, like those below.
  1. Paint or spray paint the frame in a different colour if you prefer. You'll need a steady hand to spray paint. For oil paint, take care to let the many layers of paint dry thoroughly before painting over to avoid creasing.
  2. Cut the cock board and sponge to size of picture and use glue to stick on cockboard on the backing first. If you're unable to get a thick cockboard (1cm), do use 2 pieces instead to secure the pins. Glue the sponge such that it is on the topmost layer. Choose a fluffy sponge so that the middle portion pops out.

  3. Measure the pretty cloth and cut out enough to allow the cloth to cover the front and be folded behind. You can fit the frame backing (with the cock board, sponge and cloth covering them all) into the frame.
  4. Tighten the cloth and pull them lightly to neaten the crease and ensure it's adjusted tautly before using the cloth tape to tape down the loosed ends behind.
  5. Push your lovely pins in and ta-daa!! Easy-peasy!

You now have your own ICING Accessories display frame at home too! You can even hang them up on your walls! =)


Anonymous said...

whoa girls! thats how icing started in sl, a lil corner in e shop :)

ICING Gifts said...

Hi there,

Yes! Have you been to the new Soon Lee @ Haji Lane? It's very nicely done up and I'm sure you'll love it!

Stay tuned for new pics of the store!

Cheers! =)