Friday, October 10, 2008

The origins of the pastel green logo

We almost wanted to call ourselves "Gaze", just like a child gazing through a shop window with amazement, we dreamt that we would one day make our customers feel that way. I can almost image 2 big eyes as our logo! Haha...

So, why are we called "ICING Gifts" in the end? It was in the midst of a discussion about how we want the recipients of our gifts to feel like the gifts were chosen with care, just like icing on the cake. And with that, our company's name was born.

Jan and I later decided that we wanted a corporate colour that is pleasant, trendy and gender neutral. We came up with 2 choices, it was either going to be blue or green. In the end, we mixed a little blue into the green and got our perfect ICING Gifts corporate colour! And aqua green is my favorite colour! This pastel shade looks so yummy and I love it so!

The logo represents a coating, just like icing. Our products are coated with a layer of care and sweet thoughts. Hence, it's shape.

Later on, we toyed with tag lines... Linc came up with this. He must be so relaxed in Apollo Bay that he came up with "Glazed with thoughts". Whenever I hear this phrase, I think of glazed donuts. Once again, it encapsulates our values of bringing gifts that are specially selected with much care.

"Gifts" was added in the end because we couldn't get the domain we wanted. And I think it's good that we didn't get what we wanted because icing is misleading! Least someone think we're a baking shop!

Maybe we'll go with dessert and pastries themes throughout. Just like my dream when I wish for cupcakes, icing, sea breeze and all things nice~~~

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